Discover the Variety of Disc Golf Frisbees - Choose Your Perfect 🎯

Yes, disc golf frisbees do come in different weights and sizes. The weight and size of a disc golf frisbee can have a significant impact on its flight characteristics and how it performs in different situations. In this guide, I'll explain the different weights and sizes available for disc golf frisbees and how to choose the right one for your game.


Disc golf frisbees typically range in weight from as light as 130 grams to as heavy as 180 grams. The weight of a disc golf frisbee affects its stability, distance potential, and wind resistance. Lighter discs are generally easier to throw for beginners and players with less arm strength. They require less power to achieve distance and are more forgiving of off-center throws. On the other hand, heavier discs are more stable and can handle windy conditions better. They require more power to throw but can provide greater distance potential for players with stronger arms.


Disc golf frisbees come in different sizes, primarily determined by their diameter. The most common sizes are 21 centimeters (cm) and 23 cm. The smaller 21 cm discs are often used for mid-range shots and putting, while the larger 23 cm discs are typically used for longer drives. The size of the disc can affect its glide, stability, and overall feel in your hand. Smaller discs tend to have less glide but can be easier to control, especially for players with smaller hands. Larger discs, on the other hand, can provide more glide and distance potential but may be more challenging to control for players with smaller hands.

Choosing the Right Weight and Size:

When choosing a disc golf frisbee, it's important to consider your skill level, throwing style, and the course conditions you typically encounter. If you're a beginner or have less arm strength, starting with a lighter disc in the range of 150-160 grams is a good idea. As you develop your skills and increase your throwing power, you can gradually move up to heavier discs. If you frequently play in windy conditions, opting for a heavier disc can help you maintain stability and control.

As for size, it's generally recommended to start with a 21 cm disc for mid-range shots and putting. This size offers better control and accuracy for shorter throws. Once you feel comfortable with your throwing technique and want to focus on longer drives, you can try larger 23 cm discs. Remember, the size of the disc should feel comfortable in your hand and allow for a smooth release.

In conclusion, disc golf frisbees come in different weights and sizes to accommodate different player preferences and course conditions. Lighter discs are easier to throw and more forgiving, while heavier discs provide stability and distance potential. Smaller discs offer better control, while larger discs can provide more glide and distance. Consider your skill level, throwing style, and course conditions when choosing the right weight and size for your disc golf frisbee. Happy disc golfing!

Vern Anderson
Ethan enjoys playing guitar, watching movies, and traveling.

Vern is an established sports writer who has dedicated his career to the world of Ultimate Frisbee. With his work appearing in numerous sports magazines, Vern has had the privilege of interviewing some of the sport's top athletes. His passion lies in bringing Ultimate Frisbee to the forefront of sports news and helping to expand its fan base.